F:\work> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://kallisti.eoti.org:8081/content/repositories/snapshots/archetype-catalog.xmlselect the galatea-archetype, etc. In this case, I am choosing 'org.eoti.android' and 'LanguageTest'
Switch into the directory and do an initial deploy (mvn install) in order to generate the android resources.
Copy src\main\android\res\values\strings.xml to src\main\android\res\values-fr\strings.xml
In the new file, replace:
<string name="hello">Hello LanguageTest!</string>With:
<string name="app_name">LanguageTest</string>
<string name="hello">Bonjour test de langue!</string>
<string name="app_name">Test de Langue</string>
Redeploy the app (mvn clean install).
- Launch "LanguageTest" and you should see "Hello LangaugeTest!"
- Close that (back arrow, home, whatever)
- Open the settings (either Menu:Settings or open the app tray and click on Settings)
- Select Language & Keyboard
- Click Select locale
- Select Français (France)
- Hit the Home button
- Relaunch "Test de Langue"
- You should now see "Bonjour test de langue!"
- If you reselect English (United States) then it should revert back to "Hello LanguageTest!"
ReplyDeleteIf you’re interested in a tool to collaboratively localize Android software, I suggest you give https://poeditor.com/ a shot. It’s a very user-friendly online translation platform that handles multiple popular language file formats. You’ll see that it has a sum of very useful features to aid your localization workflow, like set reference language and translation memory. Cheers and good luck with your projects!